Inside the complexity of the food liquids transport, there are some liquids that at the same time need even more specific conditions than others, and that increases the complexity, that’s the case of the milk.
The white liquid means a big part of the total of litres transported by Ríos Sangiao through the year, this is because of the geography situation: a region with large grassland and a huge milk production of the best quality.
To prevent losing that quality on the way, we first have to keep the cold chain established between 6º and 8º Celsius, so there isn’t a lot of space for variation. In our milk collections, we use tank extraction systems that make the milk go directly from one tank to another without any contact with the exterior nor manipulation.
The transport of raw milk since the livestock farming to the correspondent plant is the most delicate moment for the milk, since it hasn’t been pasteurized and the correct care in this phase is critic. In this part of the process, the milk is stored in the plant for later processing and packaging, although we sometimes offer a temporary storage service for food liquids in isothermal tanks.
Once applied the pasteurization process, the temperature is not so crucial and it can vary more, but in our tanks the variation of temperature in adverse conditions (intense exterior heat), doesn’t go further that 2º Celsius, with this data we can assure that the milk goes out with the same quality it entered.
This has been the work of Sr. Concejo