Símbolo Rios Sangiao
Símbolo Rios Sangiao
981 691 699
Curros Enríquez, 4. Pol. Ind. de Sigüeiro
15888 Oroso - A Coruña (Spain)

Transport of food liquids

Timing, on-time delivery and product care set us apart from our competitors

Safe storage

We offer storage in silos and isothermal warehouses with a capacity of up to 200 tonnes, guaranteeing the traceability and safekeeping of your goods. Keep your raw materials at a constant and controlled temperature, with the security of a professional and reliable service.

Silos de aluminio para el almacenamiento seguro de líquidos alimentarios
Logo Rios Sangiao en color blanco
981 691 699

Curros Enríquez, 4. Polígono Industrial de Sigüeiro.
15888, Oroso - A Coruña (Spain)
ISO 9001 UKAS Management SystemsSello GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance
Bandera Unión Europea