The transport of glucose is a product in our catalogue that a priori is not associated with the transport of a food liquid; probably due to its viscosity or its specific industrial use, but the use of this sweetener by the food industry has made its implementation in our fleet a success.
The transport of liquid glucose in tanker trucks requires special care due to the characteristics of the product and the conditions necessary to maintain its quality and safety. Liquid glucose, being a sweet and highly hygroscopic solution, is susceptible to changes in its chemical composition if not handled properly. Therefore, tank trucks must be designed with materials that do not react with the substance, such as stainless steel or specific plastics that prevent contamination.
The loading and unloading of liquid glucose into a road tanker must be carried out carefully and according to specific procedures to ensure the safety of the product, personnel and the environment. The following are some of the most important precautions to be taken:
Before loading liquid glucose, the road tanker must be completely clean and free of contaminants. This is especially important if the vehicle has previously transported other products, to avoid unwanted chemical reactions or crosscontamination.
It is very important to remember also that vehicles intended for the transport of liquids for foodstuffs may not transport liquids not intended for human consumption.
Liquid glucose for transport must be within the appropriate temperature range, which shall be between 15°C and 25°C. If the temperature is higher or lower, it may affect the quality of the product and make loading or unloading more difficult.
Before loading or unloading, we check that all valves, hoses and connections are in good condition. The hoses are corrosion resistant and are specifically designed to handle food liquids of this type.
As in any other industrial activity, personnel involved in loading and unloading are provided with adequate protective equipment in compliance with the regulations on risk prevention.
Before loading or unloading glucose, we check that the connections are tight and that the pumping equipment is working properly. This minimises the riskof spillage, loss of material and unnecessary time.
Maintaining the proper pressure inside the tanker during the process is key. Pressure must be monitored to avoid accidents or malfunctioning of valves and hoses.
The entire loading and unloading process is recorded, ensuring product traceability. This includes verifying the exact quantities, temperature and other important parameters, as well as having documentation to certify that the procedure has been carried out correctly.
It is crucial that it is carried out under controlled temperature conditions. Liquid glucose is sensitive to heat and may suffer alterations in viscosity or quality. It is generally transported at temperatures between 15°C and 25°C, to avoid alteration of its properties. At temperatures above 30°C, liquid glucose may start to become more viscous, which makes it difficult to handle and may affect its quality. In
addition, excessive temperatures can cause partial caramelisation of the glucose, which changes its composition and makes it unsuitable for use in food or industrial applications.
Rios Sangiao's tankers are adequately insulated so that temperature variations do not exceed 2° in adverse external conditions such as heat waves or cold on long journeys of several days.
For all these reasons, liquid glucose manufacturers have in Rios Sangiao an ally to take their products to their customers with all the guarantees of quality preservation.
This has been the work of Sr. Concejo